Renew Your Strength!

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                              Adele’s Inspiration Cafe Blog: “Renew Your strength”                     

Isaiah 40:31

Renew Your Strength! One of my favorite parts of being a Chaplain, is that sometimes I get to visit people who are sick, grieving, or hurting in some way at the hospital, a rehab center, or at home. Several months ago I started visiting a 50 year old woman named Cathy from Manna House, who is in a rehabilitation center who was there because she fell down a flight of stairs and was declared “a quadriplegic.” For two full months, she laid in bed without the benefit of regular, daily physical therapy because she was deemed having no rehabilitative potential whatsoever. This was the scenario the first time I went to visit her as she lay almost motionless in her bed at the rehab facility.


During the first visit with her, she could barely move at all, and even needed help to sip water sitting up in bed. We talked, I prayed with her and laid my hands on her arms and legs for God’s holy intervention in the name of Jesus, that He would heal her cervical spine and restore her to full health and movement once again. After we prayed, I started to leave the room but saw something startling and wonderful out of the corner of my eye…


As an old neurology nurse, I recognized that her arms and feet were twitching slightly, clearly a time for celebration, and time for her medical team to begin regular therapy! I turned around and went back into her room to encourage her to talk with her doctor about her progress. You see, twitching is a great sign that the neurons in her arms and legs were activated and firing, which is necessary prior to movement.


Before my second visit, she was able to see her doctor, and told him what was going on, so he ordered one half hour a day of exercise. The second time I visited her, she was sitting up in bed stretching her legs and arms purposefully. “What are you doing?” I asked with a smile. “If they aren’t going to exercise me more each day, I’m going to do it myself because I can.”


The third time I visited her, she had big news for me. And she met me at the front door sitting up in a wheelchair she was propelling with her feet by herself in the lobby. What a wonderful surprise! Her doctor had recognized her great motivation and significant improvement: “They are sending me to Kernan Rehab. Hospital in Baltimore for three hours a day of physical therapy!!! I’ll be there for two to four weeks.”  I stood and got teary as she told me the plans for her recovery. All I could think of was, quadriplegic no more, quadriplegic no way! She said her baffled doctor asked her if she’d been spending a lot of time at Church lately…For he knew the Lord’s hand was upon her!

So what happened to Cathy to make her go from quadriplegia to this??? Well, PeaceILeaveWithYouWe are trusting He will complete what He has started in her and she will, by the grace of God, for the glory of God, walk again!!! We will continue to claim full healing for her in the name of Jesus Christ, from whom all blessings flow.


Meanwhile, I can hardly wait to see her again to see her progress in the Lord. This time, I have a special gift to deliver to her from myself and some praying friends. It was handmade with the loving help of my good friends, Donna C. and Pat Grahe.


Special thanks to all who read this and begin praying for Cathy. May you and yours be profoundly blest with all that is good, in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen!

~ Copyright   |  Adele M. Gill   |  2016 ~

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