4 Simple Steps to Stronger Faith

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‘He [Jesus] replied, “…Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”’

Matthew 17:20


Today’s Scripture tells us about the importance of believing in Jesus, and how He can move and remove the mountains we face daily. But we need to believe in Jesus’ saving power, with even the smallest amount of belief. We need to trust in Him and understand that nothing is impossible with and for God. Truly, today’s scripture of the day about the mustard seed tells us that there is unlimited power in prayer, as it has the ability to change all things for the better.

The example given here in today’s scripture is found in a simple mustard seed. The mustard seed is the tiniest of seeds. A mustard seed is about as big as the head of a pin. However, when it takes root and grows, it becomes a huge shrub, a bush, in fact, the largest of all garden plant. Mustard seeds grow into huge shrubs that have the capacity to feed, sustain, and shelter many birds over time. The life of a mustard seed also stands tall as a wonderful example of what happens when our faith grows and we trust in God for everything.

As we receive the gift of faith through the power of the Holy Spirit, our trust in Jesus steadily grows like the mustard seed. By so doing, we become firsthand witnesses to the miracle of faith with a front row seat, as we see God performing miracles in our own lives and the lives of our loved ones.

I don’t know about you, but too often, when things get tough, I am remiss to go to God first, before doing anything else. When negative, difficult or challenging things start to happen in my life, I sometimes become anxious, call a friend, or anything to distract myself, rather than taking it to directly God first through quiet prayer, asking for Jesus’ help. It is so easy to forget, when times are difficult  that Jesus is the Great Miracle Worker, the Great Healer, Our Hope and Savior. We need to always try to bring our challenges and situations, to Jesus, trusting Him in and with all things.

I have learned that there are some easy things that we can all do that can make any circumstance more palatable and manageable, while helping us grow in faith and our Christian belief. In fact, through these steps, it is possible to meet the ups and downs of daily life, with God’s grace, and experience miracles as we grow closer to Jesus. You see the gift of faith really is just that—a gift from God.

Simply stated, here are 4 Simple Steps to Stronger Faith:


  1.  Ask God to Heal Your Unbelief

         “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”

Mark 9:24   /   NIV

This scripture from the book of Mark suggests that Jesus the Great Healer can even heal our unbelief for the asking! And He can! Ask God to heal your unbelief, especially when it is fading and you feel burdened and overwhelmed. By so doing, He will give you the gift of faith. A relationship with Jesus is like any other in some ways, like no other in other ways. To have any relationship flourish, we need to communicate. Without communication, we cannot possibly form a close bond. Through prayer, we get a closer relationship with God. Prayer is not a monologue; rather it is a dialogue with Our Lord and Savior.

So when should we pray? Some people pray in the morning and/or the evening, others throughout the day. Some alone pray in times of desperation or only in community on Sundays when in Church. But the point is not when we pray but that we pray! When we pray, our focus is squarely on God, rather than ourselves, other people, what we have to do that day, or our challenging circumstances. Quiet prayer is a one on one conversation with the Living God. How blessed are we to have such privilege?

2)  Spend Time with Your Praying Friends

‘Where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.’

Matthew 18:20

Sometimes we have the opportunity to pray with others. Do it! Jesus speaks to us here in His own words. It is a Bible promise that lets us know that uniting in prayer with others is powerful—and we are heard. Whether in person, or even via the phone praying with someone, one on one or in a small church group, Bible study or at a church service, it is possible to pray together with others, with the understanding that Jesus truly is present. I like to join with others in prayer as often as possible to get the full benefit of God’s intervention in my life and that of others. There is great comfort in knowing that whenever we join together in prayer with others, believers and non-believers alike, that Jesus says He is in our midst.


3)  Pray for Discernment & Learn God’s Will For You

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

1 Timothy 3:16

When you read the Bible daily, you soon find that what was written some 2000 years ago is still truly relevant today. I like to pray to God through the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus Christ, then read scripture. It is then that I get discernment of God’s Will, as the answers to my prayers often seem to appear-even leap off the page as I grow in my understanding of what God is saying to me through the Holy Bible, God’s Word.

Many people say that reading the Bible makes them feel like God is talking directly to them while they are reading it, and afterwards. Like a good sermon that leaves you wondering how the minister knew what you were going through, though he doesn’t even know you. Jesus is, as Scripture says, the Living God. He is alive today, as He was when He walked the earth. Jesus is constantly working with us and for us for the best outcome according to His will, enabling us to grow in a closer relationship with Him while working all things out for good.


4)  Rejoice, Trust, and Praise Jesus

 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”

Proverbs 3:5-6

We need to trust in Jesus, God’s Only Son, and pray to God with confidence and anticipation then wait to see what He will do next.

Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

I Thessalonians 5:16-18   NIV

When you pray through Jesus Christ, you begin to grow in a life-changing, life-giving personal relationship with Him. He will refresh and resuscitate your weary soul. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, you will instinctively know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you can trust Him. You will likely soon come to the realization that you are never alone, despite how you may feel; that Jesus is with you and there for you. Jesus will help you at every turn, simply for the asking. As that trust grows, you are more able to grow in contentment in your daily life, with the quiet knowing that Jesus Christ is at the helm. You feel freer to place yourself, your situation, and loved ones squarely in His Almighty, loving hands.

Copyright 2024   |   Adele M. Gill


Adele M. Gill is a retired RN, Chaplain, and the author of 6 books, including, How to Go from Broken to Blest. She is also a blog author and award winning podcast host https://www.theinspirationcafeblog.net. Adele resides in Maryland and may be reached at: adelemgill@gmail.com.

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