Reveling in God’s Perfect Peace

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Reveling in God’s Perfect Peace

© 2024 Copyright   |   Adele M. Gill

“You (God) will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.

Isaiah 26:3 (NKJV)


Peace. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t want to experience worry-free lasting peace, especially as life unfolds, and we face challenges and difficulties in our daily lives on so many levels. So how does it happen that one can possibly have perfect peace, the kind of peace that enables us to be unshaken, even and especially when we must endure the storms of life?

Where do you look for, and how do you find lasting serenity, contentment and peace on a day to day basis? I often experience great peace when at the beach. Listening to the crashing waves, smelling the ocean air, spending time with family and friends. It fills my senses and soothes my soul. For me, there is no greater relaxation than that that which comes from sitting in the sun and putting my feet in the water.


So how about you? Do you feel peaceful as you enjoy a glass of merlot, or that first cup of coffee or tea in the morning; or when you indulge in chocolate or another one of your favorite foods. Certainly they can calm one down and bring happy feelings. Each of those things can bring a warm emotional feeling, a temporary, fleeting state of well-being. Yet others say their peaceful feelings come from success, or wealth, or possessing fine clothes, or living in the home of their dreams.

Sure, all of these things can bring us into a state passing contentment, but like any emotion, that feeling is not enduring. The excitement and contentment and peace enjoyed at first eventually disappear as the newness wears off, and we continue to search for ways to find stability, security, contentment, calm, and peace in our lives. Actually, these feelings are likely to fade with the passage of time, often a short time, as most people eventually take for granted what they have.

As we go about our way in our ongoing search for happiness, it is possible to overlook what is most important to finding enduring peace: growing in our Christian faith, and making it our mission to have a closer relationship Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Truly, the ways that people try to find calm and peace in their daily lives are endless, and unique to each person. But what endures is this: The peace found in faith is what sustains us and lasts through thick and thin, and the most difficult of circumstances. The joy that comes from trusting in Jesus to meet all our needs, and finding one’s peace in Him, reigns supreme. For he is the Greatest Lover of our Souls; our The Great Healer, Comforter, Protector, Guide, Lord and Savior now and for all of eternity.

When long-term infirmity or disability strike, or marriage gets tough; when we lose our job, when miscarriage happens, temporarily dashing, even shattering hopes for building and raising a family. When we are grieving the loss of a loved one, or fighting addiction to drugs and/or alcohol or anything else. We need to do everything we can I our power to muster any and every possible remnant of peace.  But worldly comforts are not enough to bring about the peace necessary to endure such things. But all is not lost…if we do just one thing: Pray and ask for God’s help, in the name of His Only Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.  He will do it!

For the asking, God will always bring you lasting calm and peace in great measure like you have never found anywhere else. Jesus will show up and steady your ship as it is being tossed in the figurative sea at the height of the storm you are experiencing and save you as only He can. In that way, you will begin to enjoy lasting peace that is far beyond your wildest dream and hope; peace far past your comprehension. It is the kind of peace that surpasses understanding. When that happens, we need to come back in prayer, and thank God for doing His almighty work in our life. For we really do serve a mighty, compassion God who brings perfect peace like other to those who seek Him in earnest!

© Copyright   2024   |   Adele M. Gill


Adele M. Gill is a retired RN/BSN, Chaplain, podcast host, founding author of the Inspiration Café blog & podcast,, and 6 books. She resides in Maryland with her husband of 45 years.

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