Don’t Give Up. Ever!

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All of us have times when tough circumstances, frustration, infirmity, disability, the blues set in … and we are tempted to quit. Sometimes it’s necessary to reroute, but what about when there is no other option but to keep going and stay the course? At times quitting is not an option, so we must try to find a way to persevere and endure.

Patience, Endurance & Tenacity

Many years ago, 41 years ago to be exact, I first started with myasthenia gravis. It soon caused me to have to leave my career as an RN working at Johns Hopkins in Pediatric Neurology after working as an RN for just 5 years. It broke my heart, so much so, that I held on to my RN license from 1986 when I left working at the bedside, until 2022–that was 36 years! Talk about not being able to let go! But since then, through this life-changing neuro-autoimmune condition, I have learned many things about myself, and life in general. This condition no longer defines me, but has become a springboard for greater things. I’d say 3 of the greatest lessons I’ve learned are squarely focused on patience, endurance, tenacity, and my faith in the face of adversity.

Recently, I read something about some people in the Bible that made me take pause, in all the best ways. They were God’s people, biblical leaders, who were up against tremendous adversity and odds. They eventually rose above it all and came out stronger and victorious with God’s help. For each of them, the Godly number 40, was a very big deal as that was when God stepped in to rescue them. 41 is also a big deal as it is the number of when God sometimes provides freedom from wandering the figurative deserts in our lives.

7 Examples of People Who Never Gave Up

Today’s blog reveals 7 great examples that reveal why we should never give up when times get tough. They are biblical leaders, believers, who seemingly faced impossible situations and did not give up:

  • After murdering a man, Moses fled and was in the desert for 40 years until God called him to rescue and lead the Israelites.
  • Moses spent 40 days on the mountain, then received the 10 Commandments.
  • The Israelites were nomadic in the desert for 40 years before they found and entered the land God promised them, Israel.
  • After 40 days of taunting by a giant named Goliath, David slayed him with just a simple handmade slingshot.
  • Jonah was taken to Nineveh where he preached the gospel of repentance there for 40 days, to help prevent God from destroying Nineveh, and the people who lived there.
  • Jesus was tempted by the devil and fasted in the desert for 40 days before the devil fled and God brought Him out.
  • Jesus appeared to the Disciples 40 days after His resurrection from the dead.


The same God who rescued Moses, the Israelites, and Jesus from the desert is the same God who cares for, and watches over, you and me. Jesus’ Love is boundless as He rescues us time and again from situations and relationships—even our enemies—leading us to higher ground.

Jesus is With Us In Our Deserts

So if you are living in a figurative desert of sorts, perhaps feeling trapped and wondering if your prayers are being heard by God at all, take heart. Jesus is with us wherever we go, paving the way, healing, protecting, and comforting us even when we don’t see Him working on our behalf. He is saving us from this the throes of this turbulent world and even from ourselves.  If he did all that for Moses, the Israelites, David, Jonah, and most especially Jesus, and so many others, He will do it for you in His own special time and way.

Though the Lord has healed me in so many ways, in fact, more miracles than I can count, I am aware and hopeful that this, my 41st year, could be my year for a full healing. However, part of the healing I have received already is that I no longer am desperate to be healed to be able to live a happy, productive life. Rather, my focus and greatest desire now is sharing Jesus with as many people as possible through my writing & podcast ministry.

God was always with His people, the Israelites in the Old Testament, and believers in the New Testament. And that continues today. I revel in knowing that He continues to be with His people until the end of time. Jesus is the reason for our hope, as He equips us to press on, despite the adversity and odds we face.

© Copyright   Adele M. Gill



Adele M. Gill is a retired RN, Chaplain, Author of 6 books, including, How to Go from Broken to Blest. She is also a blog author and podcast host Adele resides in Maryland and may be reached at:


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