Life-Changing Hope

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“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”

Romans 12:12

Life-changing hope.  Have you hoped for something, and things just didn’t seem to go the way you wanted them to go? If so, you are not alone. The same thing can happen sometimes when we pray. I have had it happen many times when my prayers seem to fall on deaf ears, and it seems God is not answering my pleas for his help. Crickets. But that is simply an illusion, as God hears and answers our every prayer: yes, no, maybe—or not yet. Over the years, I have learned that it is vitally important to ask myself one simple question: Where do I place my hope? Do I place my hope in things, other people, or Jesus Christ? The reality is, the latter brings life-changing hope.

Does Hope Really Help?

Sure, you can hope for a good outcome, such as getting the job you want, or that certain broken relationships will heal; or that you get to buy that new house or car. You can hope to get well or stay well, pray for traveling mercies while you and your loved ones are on vacation. You can hope that your children grow up to be happy, healthy, productive, prosperous, independent citizens of this blessed country. You can hope for whatever you want, then wait and see how it goes. Hope is everything, but life is unpredictable and we don’t always get what we want. So yes–we can always hope–but does it really help?

Hope & the Power of Prayer

When we understand that we are nothing—and can do nothing without God—our lives change for the better as we turn to him and seek him out. When we pray and give all our adversities and challenges up to God—who is Almighty, Powerful, Omnipotent, and Ever-Present, we are then ready to embrace a new life in Him. When we do so, whatever we are facing—and we are able to place all our hope in Jesus with complete abandon–our hope rises like an eagle, actually soars. This is because trust and hope in God is powerful. When we pray, God often intervenes and change things on our behalf.

When we place our trust in God, we soon learn that our situation pales in comparison to His love for us. Adversity fades in His bright Light.  For on this journey called life, when we pray fervently and try our best to leave the rest up to God, we soon find that we want to serve God and have a closer walk with Jesus with greater fervor. This has happened in my own life through prayer while seeking Him. My greatest desire now is no longer for a full physical healing, but to live in service to God by walking with Jesus.

What Happens When We Seek God?

As we move ever closer to God through times of weakness, His strength increases as our own strength is depleted. When we come to understand that Jesus IS our hope, our lives change for the better. Trust in Jesus blesses us, and opens doors and windows that no man can shut. It is possible at times to see adversity as a blessing that propels us to seek God with all our being through prayer. When we place our trust in Jesus in every situation, hope is the natural outcome. Situations lose their power over us and our feelings change, as we patiently wait to see what God will do next in our lives. Adversity and challenges no longer have any power over us whatsoever. We must simply pray and do our part, then step back and wait with great anticipation as God works all things out for good. Sometimes God’s silence simply means He’s busy working it all out for good in His own special way. Count on it!

© Copyright 2024    |    Adele M. Gill


About the Author

Adele M. Gill is a retired RN, Chaplain, Christian writer, and award winning author of 6 books. She is also the founder and author of The Inspiration Café Blog, and a podcast host. Adele resides in Maryland, and may be reached via email at:

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