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by Adele M. Gill
“Commit your way to the Lord;
trust in Him and He will act…”
Psalm 37:5

Are you struggling? Certainly everyone has struggles and stress—they are just part of the human condition. But help is on the way! In my timely new book, ‘How to Go from Broken to Blest,’ there is a series steps that address how to rise above adversity and the struggles we all face.This book is designed to help anyone struggling with various kinds of stress: Covid-19, racial inequality and injustice; medical issues such as cancer, MS, auto-immune conditions; mental health issues like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder; broken relationships, domestic abuse; grief, loneliness, addiction; incarceration, financial insecurity—even homelessness. But we need to find a way to get relief from being overwhelmed and weary, to finding peace even and especially in adversity.
When we experience prolonged stress, we may be endangering our physical health and mental health, falling into fear, anxiety, depression and despair. We may make bad choices that lead to drug and alcohol addiction, and even feel like a victim with or without good cause. Actually, feeling like a victim of circumstances may be the core reason why it is so hard for us to cope…
I have discovered in my life that that feeling of victimhood must be quelled. You may actually be a victim, but sometimes we need to put aside our feelings of brokenness, and look in new directions to live life as it happens. Victimhood does nothing to help us find solutions to our problems, or alleviate stress. In fact, it promotes it. You cannot be both a victim and a victorious overcomer at the same time. You need to make a choice.
Central to brokenness, the real problem may be that we have gotten comfortable with being a victim, which sabotages your being able to cope in healthy ways. When you’ve tried everything you know to get past your struggle, it may be time to invite God into your heart, and situation—even if for the first time, and ask for His help. After all–what do you have to lose???
When you are willing to say to yourself,
‘My victim card has expired,’ life as you know it will change for the better. Trusting in God, recognizing He is in control and at the helm of the things beyond your reach, you will not be disappointed! No need to go it alone. He will guide you, comfort you, protect you, renew your hope, give you a new perspective, and you will soon move from feeling overwhelmed and broken, to enjoying a new and blessed life.
“Commit your way to the Lord;
trust in Him and He will act…”
Psalm 37:5 / NABRE
© Copyright 2020 | Adele M. Gill
My new book, ‘How to Go from Broken to Blest,’ is now available at Amazon. This book was written for anyone who is struggling in any way. Here is the direct Amazon link:
Soon I will begin offering Zoom Book Chats for this book. If you are interested in receiving an invitation, please PM me. God’s peace! / Adele
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