Contentment in Adversity (5 min. read)

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“For I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.  

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do all this through him (Jesus Christ) who gives me strength.”

Philippians 4:11-13 / NIV


Are you content? In today’s scripture the Apostle Paul generously shares with us his secret to being content in every circumstance: Jesus. Paul is quite the expert on getting his strength from Jesus, as he reportedly traveled 10,000 miles on foot over 30 years to proclaim the gospel of Christ. During those 30 years of ministry, he was falsely imprisoned, shipwrecked, beaten, run out of towns, loathed and hated, and likely was hungry much of the time. Often times with nowhere to rest his head, he went to distant lands to share the gospel of Jesus Christ while meeting every possible obstacle.

Here, in the above Bible passage, Paul reveals that Jesus, the Living God, is his strength and the source of his contentment in every situation. This is both extraordinary and astonishing; almost unbelievable by the world’s standards, as we are often told that we can’t be happy unless we have everything we desire; too often that our loving God doesn’t even really exist.

All Is Well–No Matter What Happens to Me

It is not hard to see that Paul’s words, from a biblical worldview, are in direct opposition to worldly experience, logic and reason. Surprisingly, Paul’s perspective is one that could only come from having a time-tested, strong, personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul’s statement exudes joy, confidence, and trust in Jesus, which is a rarity in these chaotic times. Paul is essentially saying: “All is well–no matter what happens to me!” Yes–God allows the challenges we face, but He also equips us well with the strength and courage to deal with whatever comes our way. I doubt most of us can be content in adverse times on our own, when our most basic needs go unmet. When we are in need of healing, money, food, clothing, even shelter– seemingly everything. Yet, Paul tells us that it is possible, with Jesus’ help, to rise above it all. But how can that be?

With Jesus’ Unfailing Help

With Jesus’ unfailing help, regardless of circumstances, we must learn to place our hope in Him. How we think about things really does matter. Difficulties can lead us toward Jesus, or veer us towards disappointment, fear, anxiety, depression, anger and bitterness. likely one way or the other. It gets complicated when we focus on the disparity between what we have, and what we think we should have or deserve. This is particularly true when the storms of life leave us feeling like we are drowning in our problems. When we are hurting, hungry, dealing with addiction, broken relationships, feeling lost, hopeless, or troubled for whatever reason, it is easy to turn to negativity and become bitter when things go awry. However, one’s ability to be content, even in challenging times, can affect them positively–spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. It’s worth considering.

Trust & Dependence on Jesus

Being content is a matter of both the mind and heart working together as one in unison. I know in my own life, when my attitude includes a negative mindset, or resentment of some sort, I am blocked from experiencing contentment, peace, happiness or joy on my own. However, the power of heartfelt prayer is undeniable. If we think that what we have is not enough, we will never be truly content, happy, or find peace.

Imagine if we could see each challenge through the eyes of faith, and become as content as Paul is in the scenarios we face! It is possible to look at others and see them more as Jesus sees them. It is possible to believe that when God closes one door it is because He is working all things out for good. When we place our trust in God, miracles of every kind can happen. Paul is very clear in today’s scripture that he trusts and depends on Jesus in every way. He goes as far as to say Jesus IS his strength. This is in keeping with the following Bible passage:

“The joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10

When you trust and depend on Jesus as Paul did, your heart is able to soar with joy, regardless of whatever you are facing. Your mind gets greater clarity. This level of dependence on Jesus propels you to accept and revel in whatever happens to you with gratitude. You see, every situation has a silver lining—you recognize that each circumstance you encounter is part of God’s plan for you; mutually beneficial for you and others. Perhaps you see yourself as a victim, someone who has been shortchanged by life amid the many difficulties coming your way. Or that you have no direction or purpose in this life. Could it be it’s time to check your heart and mindset and reset your focus on Jesus?

Power in the Name of Jesus

There is tremendous power and freedom in consistently trusting and believing, “God’s got this.” With Jesus’ help, you can put aside all fear, anger and worry, knowing that God will equip you to serve Him with all your being. If it is true what scripture says about contentment and joy, and we are called to believe what is written in the Bible– the Word of God, it may be that now is your time to grow in faith. Jesus stands in wait for you to but call His name.  All you need to do is depend on Him for everything, and watch your life unfold.

© Copyright 2025   |   Adele M. Gill


Chaplain Adele M. Gill is a retired RN, freelance writer, author of 6 books, founder/author of The Inspiration Café Blog, and a recipient of the Positive Change Podcast Award

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