How to Short-Circuit Anxiety

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“Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.”

I Peter 5:7

Today we will be talking about how to short-circuit anxiety. We all feel anxious sometimes most have the same question when we experience it: “What can I do to get rid of this anxiety before it becomes overwhelming and I am stressed-out?”

We need to remember that everything in this life is temporary, and nothing lasts forever! So many roads lead to anxiety, and it is often associated with depression. The 2 just seem to go together. Actually, it is easy to become anxious, depressed, or both when we experience life in a stress-filled way; when we feel that things are somehow out of control. The truth is, sometimes things in our life are beyond our control, even seemingly out of our control. But we have a choice:

Do we give in fear and let our anxious feelings overwhelm and rule us, or do we try to gain a new and more logical perspective, find a new way of thinking about whatever the situation is at hand?

There is a big difference between how we feel and how we think. When we are anxious, stressed, depressed, or struggling in one way or another, it is easy for our emotions to take over. At that point, we may not use logic to respond to and solve our challenges and problems. Instead, we may emotionally react thereby promoting more anxiety.  That is exactly the time when it may be most helpful to stop, and temporarily try to put aside our feelings so we can think more clearly and regain some peace.

It’s times like these when we need to try to focus squarely on finding solutions, rather than on the issues at hand. So how can we do that? Well, ry asking yourself these 5 simple questions to easily short-circuit your anxiety:

  • Will I even remember what I’m anxious or upset about today in a year, or even a month?
  • Does this situation change me as a person?
  • Am I trusting that God is working all things out for good?
  • Is there anything I can do to make this situation better?
  • Have I prayed and asked God for His help?

Negative feelings often go away as quickly as they came. The truth is, that the many effects of anxiety can be long-lasting as it may cause medical issues. Worry and anxiety can worsen, even provoke them, and many medical conditions, including high blood pressure and heart disease, gastric conditions, autoimmune conditions, neurological conditions (and the list goes on) can easily be caused by it.

Situational anxiety can alter the chemicals brain, and cause ongoing mental health issues. It can be a symptom of an underlying health problem. Research shows that prayer can lower blood pressure, promote healing of gastrointestinal symptoms, increase immunity, improve neurological symptoms, and enhance one’s quality of life in general. And the peace of mind that many people experience from prayer is like no other.

Prayer, when combined with trusting in God, really is a life-giving remedy for anxiety. Prayer—asking God for help—can have a very calming, healing effect. For many, praying to God in gratitude is the very best antidotes for anxiety. Prayer can easily melt away anxiety and sadness, enabling you to live your best life.

So if you pray, why worry? Perhaps it’s time to pray, trust in God, and watch your worries fade, and you are able to short-circuit anxiety. Scripture tells us:

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

John 14:27

Copyright 2024   |    Adele M. Gill

The Inspiration Café Podcast & Blog with Adele






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