Trust That God Will Act

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“Commit your way to the Lord, and trust that He will act.”   Psalm 37:5

I hate to admit it, but sometimes I pray half-heartedly without trusting that God is in control and that He can do anything and everything in my life. Perhaps I forget that He is the Creator of Heaven and earth and spins the world on its axis. Maybe I at times have lapses in faith and think I don’t need God’s help as I strive to take control when life’s storms tumble me around, with marginal results. How often have I come to Him only after all my own efforts have failed? Like so many people I know, I sometimes turn toward God only after my own efforts have not proven successful and I am hurting.  But what if we come to Him first–before anyone or anything else—and things go awry from our own pursuits?


As Scripture tells us, the Lord really is Kind and Merciful, Omnipotent and Almighty. To trust in Him means to trust that you believe He is alive and there for you to pave the way as you go through your day. You are not alone—Jesus is with you! He is able to change hearts and minds and circumstances for the better at any time, He patiently stands in wait for our earnest prayers asking for His help.

There is a big difference between hoping and praying for whatever we need. When we hope, we are wishing for something to happen or be a certain way. When we pray, we are actually asking God to powerfully intercede in a situation, to act on our behalf or for the needs of others.

When we fully trust that God will hear our prayers and intercede for us, it takes great burdens off of our shoulders as we watch and wait for Him, for His answer to our heartfelt prayers. God’s Divine interventions depends heavily on our belief and trust in Him.

So go on… Ask for whatever you need this day with confidence that God has it taken care of. Always try to do your best, then place your needs and challenges in His blessed hands, and rest assured He will work it out for you in His special time and way. Soon, you will be asking yourself daily, with great anticipation, “What will God do now?” rather than shouldering daily burdens by yourself with marginal results.

© Copyright 2013   |   Adele M. Gill 

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