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“For I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him (Jesus Christ) who gives me strength.”
Philippians 4:11-13 / NIV
Are you content in adversity? In today’s scripture, the Apostle Paul tells us what he has learned about the secret to being content in every, and any, situation. Paul is quite the expert on this, as he reportedly traveled 10,000 miles on foot over 30 years and endured every adversity to proclaim the gospel of Christ. Here, he says that Jesus is his strength, the source of his contentment in every situation. This Bible passage is extraordinary and astonishing—almost unbelievable by the world’s standards–as we are often told in so many ways that we can’t be happy unless we have everything we desire and want. Our culture tells us and behaves as if God is not real, He doesn’t exist. It is not hard to see that Paul’s words, from a biblical worldview, are in direct opposition to everything we Christians know. However, Paul’s perspective is one that can only come from having a time-tested personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Apostle Paul’s statement exudes confidence and trust in Jesus, in a way that is a rarity in these chaotic times.
What We Have and What We Deserve
Do you have contentment, joy, and peace in your heart, a positive attitude every single day, unaffected by the things that happen in your life? Somehow, I doubt it. How about when you feel like you don’t have enough of whatever you want or feel you need? Even things like the basics: enough food, warm clothing; or a permanent place to live? Do you experience contentment then? Doubtful, as we all need our basic needs met. But the truth is, it is possible, with God’s help, to be content most of the time, regardless of circumstances. How we think about things affect our lives. Our thinking steers our ship, and either leads us toward Jesus, contentment, happiness, peace, and joy, or away from it, careening towards disappointment, fear, anxiety, depression, and anger as a result of the disparity between what we have, and what we think we deserve. This is true, particularly when the storms of life leave us feeling adrift in a turbulent sea; when we feel like we are figuratively drowning in our bills, losses, and other tough situations. When we are hurting, hungry, feeling lost or troubled for whatever reason, it is easy to turn to negativity and get stressed out. That’s when we need Jesus most!
Contentment, Health and Wellbeing
Our ability to be content affects our spiritual, emotional, mental and physical health and well-being. That is, our mind, body and spirit depend on it! Being content is a matter of the mind and heart working together as one in unison. I know in my own life, when my attitude towards something or someone includes a negative mindset, or resentment, I cannot possibly experience contentment, peace, happiness or joy, but through prayer I can! As believing Christians, it all begins with how we look at the life that God has allowed us to have; the outcomes for the choices we make, and how we think about things. If we think that what we have is inferior, or not enough, we will never be content, happy, or find peace.
Imagine if we could all learn to be as content as Paul is in every scenario we face. We would look at a cup as half full rather than half empty. We would see the potential to grow in every situation, as there is not a single experience we can possibly have that we cannot grow from. We would look at others and see them more as Jesus sees them. There would be no jealousy, hypocrisy, or envy, as we would focus on all that happens to us as God’s blessings, even when it is difficult to see that, Jesus is there. Paul is very clear that he trusts and depends on Jesus in every way. He goes as far as to say Jesus IS his strength, and he is even content in adversity. This is I keeping with a scripture from the Old Testament:
“The joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10
When you trust in and depend on Jesus as Paul did, your heart and joy soar, and your mind gets greater clarity. That level of dependence on Jesus propels you to accept and revel in whatever happens to you with gratitude. You see, every situation has a silver lining—you recognize that each circumstance you find yourself in is meant by God to be beneficial for you and/or others. The world looks very different when you accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, and come to believe that He saves us in all things great and small, for the asking. Whether you know it or not, Jesus not only leads us to eternal life; He is with us through every single circumstance we encounter. He is guiding, protecting and comforting us; He heals us. No wonder Paul said he can do all things through Christ who gives him strength!
Perhaps you have been looking at the cup as half empty rather than half full. Seeing yourself as a victim, or that you have been shortchanged by life in general amid the many difficulties coming your way. Could it be it’s time to reset your perspective? When you consistently trust and believe that “God’s got this,” you are free to take the high road and rise above anything, with Jesus’ help. That freedom enables you to put aside all fear, anger and worry, as God equips you to serve Him with all your being. If it is true what scripture says about contentment and joy, and I trust completely in the Bible as the inspired Word of God, it may be that your time has come to grow in faith. Jesus is there for you. All you need to do is reach out and depend on Him for everything, then watch your life change for the better!
© Copyright 2024 | Adele M. Gill
Adele M. Gill, BSN, CPC is a retired RN, Chaplain, freelance writer, award winning author of 6 books, contributing author to numerous anthologies; founder and author of The Inspiration Café Blog,, and a recipient of the Positive Change Podcast Award.
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