Happiness & Joy

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“The joy of the Lord is your strength.”

Nehemiah 8:10 / NIV

Today’s Old Testament scripture tells us that our strength comes from God in the form of  joy. In fact, this Bible passage reveals that joy from God’s IS our strength–a spiritual gift from God. Why? Because trusting and believing in God changes our lives and brings us unsurpassed hope!

The Difference Between Joy and Happiness

Happiness is often experienced when something favorable happens to or for us. It maybe experienced as a positive feeling due to an accomplishment, or success, a loving relationship, or even looking at a thing of beauty. However, happiness is simply a temporary, positive emotion, that gives us a good feeling of brief contentment, satisfaction, excitement, or even exhilaration.

The type of happy feelings you experience can run the gamut. As is generally the case with most emotions, happiness may last moments, hours, days, or even a matter of weeks. You see, happiness is simply a temporary feeling; and endorphins in your body may play a big part in your having that feeling. Happiness is what you feel when you get a promotion at work or a good medical test report for a serious health concern. Or when you feel rejuvenated, simply by listening to your favorite song. Though no one is happy or joyous all the time, there are people who just seem to be uplifted most of the time, even when there is no positive life event going on. Some would say they are ‘lucky,’ but the truth is, we are all human.

Joy: A Spiritual Gift

Joy is very different than happiness in several ways. Those who have joy are truly blessed with greater, lasting hope. Joy is more enduring than happiness, as it is steeped in prayer, belief, and trust in Jesus. Joy, a positive state of being, evolves around the contentment and peace that comes through the power of the Holy Spirit living within us. It is not fully dependent on what happens to us, but it helps us deal with all that comes our way. One of the hallmarks of a joyous souls is the unexpected peace, hope and faith they possess, even and especially in times of adversity.

There are many kinds of strength: Physical strength. Emotional strength to cope with difficult situations. Strength to parent our children. Strength to help our loved ones who are hurting. Strength to deal with disability and the uncertainty of infirmity. Strength to recover from addiction. Strength to reconcile with loved ones who are difficult.

Where Does Our Strength Come From?

Where does your strength come from? As today’s Scripture tells us, it comes from God. It comes from believing and trusting in Him and His Only Son, Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. With joy, there is contentment, hope, and peace that surpasses understanding. It is based on placing our trust and hope in Jesus. Joy is far deeper than a temporary passing emotion. Joy is most easily found as we pray to God with gratitude, confidence, and anticipation; when we are able to fully trust in God, and thank Him in every situation, every season of our lives. For Scripture tells us:

“But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them that those who love your name may rejoice in you.”

Psalm 5:11 / NIV

© Copyright 2024   |   Adele M. Gill




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