Finding Peace In Your Day

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“He is not the God of disorder [confusion] but of peace…”

I Corinthians 14:33

Finding peace in your day. For most of us, there are times when we feel like we are in control and have perfect peace. Life is good, and things seem to be good. Peace within ourselves, serenity, and unity with others prevail, and all is well. Hopefully these times are treasured—if we can notice them, and we are able to enjoy and embrace them, as we traverse along this journey called life.


In essence, when we are comfortable, and likely feeling in a state of well-being in mind and spirit, all seems calm in our mind and soul. During these peaceful times, it is easy to be upbeat, sleep well at night, be fun and funny, enjoy other people, be productive, and experience a state of calm. And why not? Things are going as planned, and life is running along smoothly, with few if any worries. We are finding peace. But what happens when the tide turns and things change, throwing us for a loop? We may become negatively affected and easily distracted away from that God-inspired peace…


When something significant – or not so significant—occurs, and things distress and distract us from that peaceful state, we may be prone to disappointment, unrest, or turmoil, moving us out of a state of peace and calm, into a dither of frustration, sadness, fear, anxiety, or even anger over the situation at hand. Our peace may vanish for a while, leaving us to endure that which we’d prefer not to deal with at all.

“Envy and anger shorten one’s days, and anxiety brings on premature old age.”

Ben Sira 30:24 (Old Testament: / NABRE)


Sometimes we become (at times easily) distracted by others, or experience unrest in our soul over circumstances when we are forced to deviate from our schedule, plan or direction. Our emotions can take over, and replace our peace and serenity, diverting our focus on Jesus and God’s Word. We are transported away from our calm state of well-being, and our thoughts can easily change into a state of confusion, thereby changing our perspective. It is at that point that we need to stop, invite God into our circumstances once again, and remember that He is in control; that all things work for good for those who love God. (Romans 8:28) All is not lost when God is at the helm, as He makes all things new!


In finding peace, we need to pray and invite God into our circumstances with confidence and anticipation before things go awry—at the very beginning of each day—while the day is still new and we are in a state of peace. For He IS the Author of Peace–not confusion. Pray for peace,  direction, humility, discernment, wisdom, patience and endurance so that when you are ‘put to the test,’ you can live your life as an overcomer. If you fall today, tomorrow is a new day. Every day we have the opportunity to choose how we deal with stress when things go asunder. It’s a conscious choice we need to make ahead of challenging times for clarity and overall stability.


Clearly some people are better at dealing with stress, difficult situations, and confusion than others. But as Christians, we need to try our level best to live according to Jesus’ teachings. We need to ask for God’s help, love more, learn to preemptively be more patient with others, and practice persistence to stay on track. We need to recognize the need to “hate the sin, love the sinner,” and roll with the people and circumstances we are faced with, being sure to give other people a pass. With God’s grace, unconditional love for you, and help, you can do it! God knows exactly where you are and what you are facing. Step into God’s Light and trust Jesus—You deserve to live in peace!

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

John 1:3-5(NABRE)


In your journey to finding peace, may the “peace that surpasses understanding,” be with you always, guiding you, and protecting you from unnecessary stress, confusion, negativity, and discord, keeping you in God’s perfect peace.




© Copyright 2022   |   Adele M. Gill


UPDATE: The Inspiration Café Podcast with Adele

There’s a new podcast in town!

Starts Tues., Feb, 8th, 2022

Are you feeling stressed, weary, overwhelmed, or just looking for a little inspiration?

If so, then you’ve come to the right place!


The Inspiration Café Podcast with Adele will be available on Speak Up Talk Radio, iHeart Radio, Spotify, iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, Deezer, Podcast Chaser, and other places beginning Tues., Feb. 8th.

The Inspiration Cafe Podcasts link will be emailed to you if you are already on The Inspiration Café Blog email list. It will also be posted each month on The Inspiration Café Blog website, Authors Den, Facebook, and Twitter. If you would like to receive The Inspiration Café Blog & Podcast links via email, please email me at and I will add you to the email list so you can read the blog & listen to the podcast whenever you’d like!

See you at The Inspiration Café! 

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