Kindness: Does Motivation Matter?

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Adele M. Gill

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 “Do to others as you would have them do to you.”

Luke 6:31


Kindness: Does motivation matter? For many, if not most people, it is very important to be kind to others. In essence, much of the time, people treat us as we treat them. Kindness begets kindness, respect begets respect; anger provokes anger, and so it goes, we are often treated the way we treat others. There is a sort of mirroring, a rebound effect, a reciprocity that happens when we interact with each other. Like a boomerang, what we send out to others and into the world comes back to us. Some call it Karma. I call it meant to be. When we say negative or unkind words to others, words that hurt, we need to know that others will act in kind. Sadly, when we hurt others there can be a domino effect. That is how we have come to understand that ‘hurting people hurt people.’ Great truth, but difficult to digest…It is the way of the world. However, Christians who accept and strive to live a more biblical perspective of the world generally have a whole different take on the importance of kindness…


Surely in your youth, at some point, your parents told you about The Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” But did you know The Golden Rule is not something that your mother just made up? Instead, it is a central Bible scripture quote from none other than Jesus Christ himself! It is the core of the proverbial ‘blueprint’ that He left behind when He died for us on the cross. So why should it matter to Christians if they themselves or others are kind or not? Well, when Jesus came, he gave us the following new mandate, thereby  consolidating the 10 Commandments that were given to us all by God through Moses:



“I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another. This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

John 13:34-35


This scripture begs the question: So how do we love one another? To truly love one another as Jesus said to, it takes lots of patience, kindness, respect, and good old fashioned self-control. But we do not do it alone. For believing Christians, it is only through the power of the Holy Spirit of Jesus that we can try to see others as God sees them: Vulnerable and in need of knowing that they are loved and lovable. For to be unconditionally loved by God is the most rudimentary need we all have, whether we know it or not. Some say these are the first traits that one must possess to open the door to love others—especially seemingly difficult, contrary, negative and unkind people. In as much as some people can try your soul, it is also noteworthy that we need to be kind anyway. How else will others know we are believers?


“Let all you do be done in love.”

1 Corinthians 16:14


So the question of the day is this, “why should we be kind?” In this question lies one’s motivation. It is a serious mistake to be kind just to get what you want through manipulation of other people. Or to do so only when others are watching. It is also an error to be kind only to somehow work your way into Heaven—as good works will not get you into Heaven. Only God’s mercy and grace can do that! So one’s motivation for kindness is paramount.


When you are kind because of your love for Jesus, it makes all thing possible. Perhaps your kindness is the thing that let’s others know you care about them, and that God does too. After all, Christians are the hands and feet of Jesus on this earth. Maybe it’s because kindness is one of the 9 Fruits of the Holy Spirit—along with love, peace, joy, patience, faithfulness, steadfastness, goodness and self-control. When we exhibit selfless kindness and these wonderful traits that God has given to believers, it is easy to stay on track and loving each other. For Christians, being a “kind good person” is really important, but it is not enough. Rather, we need to regularly keep our motivation in check. What better reason could there be than to do it all for God?


© Copyright 2022   |   Adele M. Gill

~ Author Bio ~

Adele M. Gill is a wife, mother, retired RN; founding blogger and host for the upcoming podcast,  ‘The Inspiration Café.’ She is also a certified Chaplain. Adele is the author of 6 books, and a recipient of the 2021 Firebird Book Awards for her 6-week Bible Study, ‘How to Go from Broken to Blest.’  This life-changing book was written for anyone who is struggling in any way, especially with addiction, depression, and/or anxiety.

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