PART I: Everyone Has a Thorn

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by Adele M. Gill

[Jesus said] “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.”

2 Corinthians 12:7-10

Everyone has a thorn–what’s yours? In this life we all have “thorns.” Things that complicate our lives, and at times, make us uncomfortable. They may even make life seem downright difficult, and change how we live our daily lives. For some, it may be that they are affected by ongoing or transient medical conditions, or a disability. Others may have mental health issues such as fear, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder or obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), or even addiction. Some may even have both… They may need to grow in forgiveness, or heal from childhood trauma. Others may be forced to deal with a challenging relationship with a family member. For yet other thorns, it may include dealing with a tough boss at work, financial instability, or even poverty among other things. Yes, everyone has a thorn.


Today’s scriptures tells us a little about Paul’s thorn, though we don’t know exactly what it is. It is Paul’s account of his own personal “thorn experience.” I find great comfort in this Bible study today. In the following Bible passages, Jesus tells us, and I believe it’s true, that God’s grace is always sufficient for us. We will not be given more than we can handle. I claim that for myself–and the same for you, my friend! The following scripture doesn’t tell us what the thorn  is, but rather, Paul’s perspective on it and his conclusions. There is much speculation on the nature of Paul’s thorn, as he shares with us how he processed his ‘thorn experience’ in his following line by line account. For scripture tells us:


2 Corinthians 12:7-10

“Therefore, that I might not become too elated, a thorn in the flesh was given to me…to keep me from being too elated.

Three times I begged the Lord about this that it might leave me, but he said to me,

“My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.”

I will rather boast most gladly of my weaknesses, in order that the power of Christ may dwell with me.  

Therefore, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and constraints, for the sake of Christ; for when I am weak, then I am strong…”


In my own life, I have had health-related thorns, including a long term medical condition caused by childhood trauma that damaged my neuro-immune system. For 39 years I have had exacerbations and remissions. I am generally able to go about 6 months between exacerbations these days. Everything about this condition changes with the day depending on fatigue, infection, ongoing stress, heat (summer), cold (winter)—life in general–and I continue to be on a respirator about 12 hours per day. That is why I often say “every day is a new adventure.” When I become acutely ill, I experience severe muscle weakness that causes mobility issues, and garbled/slurred speech due to difficulty breathing due to respiratory weakness. As a result of this thorn, I am forced to live a rather sedentary life to prevent exacerbations.


As you can see, I am a most unusual candidate to host a podcast, as I can lose my speech at any time. However, I am able to adapt and prepare for that eventuality by taping two podcasts ahead to prepare for whatever comes. Most of all, I have come to some of the same conclusions that Paul had. God is in control, and this life—whatever He allows us to face—is a blessed gift from God, one to be treasured and lived for His glory in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe that God allows thorns, but does not cause them. Like Paul, I am humbled and feel truly blessed to be able to spread the Gospel far and wide. As was the case with Paul, despite the thorn, I have learned much through having this thorn. And this blog and my new podcast, designed for believers and non-believers, are the direct and indirect results of living with that thorn.

“…You know that it was because of a physical illness that I originally preached the gospel to you, and you did not show disdain or contempt because of the trial caused you by my physical condition…”   

Paul to the Galatians 4:13


The sky is the limit as to what some people must face and endure in this life. The point is that we all, at times, have thorns that we would rather not have to deal with—things that are out of our control. When that occurs, we need to do the best we can, hope the thorn eventually passes over, and that we are restored to some form of normalcy. But it is possible and helpful to strive to serve God with all our being as Paul did, while we wait for some relief and healing…


Through this Bible study today, I learned that Paul came to 14 life-giving, life-changing conclusions from having his thorn that he shares in scripture. I am looking forward to sharing them all with you in my next blog…, PART II: Everyone Has a Thorn. These scriptures are a wonderful and important answer to “Why do bad things happen to good people?”


[Jesus said] “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.”

2 Corinthians 12:7-10

Until next time, may God continue to bless you and your loved ones profoundly, in every way!

© Copyright 2022   |   Adele M. Gill


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