PART I: Fear-Less Faith / Blog & Podcast

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Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God.

I will strengthen you, yes I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”

Isaiah 41:10

The Upside and Downside of Fear

Fear and anxiety can easily enter into our hearts and minds when we least expect them, causing one to worry non-stop.  They can produce a fight or flight response that makes us run to, or away from, whatever is the source of our fear. Fear, and hence anxiety, can occur out of the blue, and make our thinking, and our lives, feel out of control. Conversely, fear & anxiety can, at times, may also be helpful motivators, as we process and deal with challenges, new experiences, situations, and even difficult relationships. One example of fear in a positive light is when you have to take an important exam for school. Fear of failure may make you study a little harder, and enable you to pass the test with flying colors. That’s a good thing. Yet, other times, ones fear may go on unchecked for an extended period of time, or force us to deal with difficult circumstances that produce ongoing anxiety. One such example is with the case of the Covid-19 pandemic.


7 Ways to Fight Fear & Anxiety:

  • Name and claim your fear as it arises.
  • Do not give fear a stronghold. Consciously decide to fight it by facing it head-on.
  • Pray for inner peace, discernment, and ask for God’s help in overcoming your fear.
  • Stay busy & exercise. The endorphins you get will be helpful in putting fear aside.
  • Surround yourself with upbeat, non-fearful people
  • Repeat aloud: Fear has no power over me!
  • Pray and take every thought captive / filter every thought.


Many Causes of Faces of Fear

There are so many sources and types of fear in this life. Fear of failure, fear of God’s wrath, fear of the wrath of another person, fear of failure, fear of infirmity, fear of death, fearing losing a loved one, fear of the unknown, to name a few. Lingering, excessive fear of any kind can be a gateway to mental health issues such as chronic anxiety, depression, despair, OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), and other more serious mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder, or even schizoaffective disorder.

At the very least, fear & anxiety can lead to an uneasiness, a sense of doom & gloom, that can shatter one’s inner peace and comfort. If can we pray for Jesus’ help and intercession, and begin to trust Him in new ways, we can regain our sense of inner peace and calm. Fear flees swiftly from all who call up on the Lord in earnest prayer. Just saying the name Jesus can help negativity flee. Could it be that prayer is the antidote for fear? I think so…but let’s take a look so you can decide for yourself.

 “…Perfect love casts out all fear…” I John 4:19


Covid-19 & Fear

The fear that was produced by the Covid-19 pandemic initially enabled most of us to take measures to successfully protect ourselves and our loved ones from getting sick—even dying, from the virus. It was a healthy, necessary fear based on the reality of the times. Yet, as time went on for an extended period of time, about 2 years, in fact, it became harder for some people to fight the fear that enmeshed them, even when the statistics eventually revealed that there was a .01% chance of dying from Covid-19…. Fear had taken over for some people, making getting back into normal life hard—if not impossible.  Through lockdowns, mask mandates, everyone. Especially young parents and older adults worked tirelessly to protect their children and older loved ones from getting sick. But they were not alone. This far-reaching pandemic was incredibly stressful for people all over the world—few countries were exempt.

For some, pandemic fear continues to linger to this day, though statistically, things are markedly improved in our country. Mandates have been lifted, and most of us have returned to our pre-pandemic daily life. As is the case of Covid-19, we have seen that fear of getting sick can be so intense, that it may continue to affect people long after the major Covid virus threat has subsided. That is especially true when anxiety is joined with fear in the pandemic. Certainly good, frequent hand washing, and some social distancing are still in order, but there is no longer the need to stay home all the time to prevent infection from the virus, except for those who are seriously immune-compromised.  In essence, most people have returned to their previous way of life—save for the lucky souls who continue to work from home…


No Room for Unchecked Fear

When we pray and revel in God’s Love, His purpose for us, and our lives, there is no room for unchecked fear or anxiety. We are able to look for, and find, silver linings in any and every circumstance. Fear slips away into the night when we invite Jesus in to help shoulder our burdens and fears. And it doesn’t stop there. Confident prayer can allow us the privilege to stay focused on God and holy things – what is good and right and true, rather than becoming enmeshed in the burdens or challenges at hand. For scripture tells us:

“…Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Keep on doing what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me. Then the God of peace will be with you.”

Philippians 4:8-9

© Copyright 2011 | Adele M. Gill





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