PART II: Fear-Less Faith

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Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” John 14:27


How to Avoid Fear at All Costs

Fear-less Faith. At times, unchecked fear & anxiety can sometimes be likened to a cancer of the mind and soul. It can be very invasive and pervasive. That is why, before it takes root, it must be placed in check as quickly as possible. If not, it can derail us, negatively affect our relationships, happiness, productivity, employment, and most of all, our relationship with Jesus, the one whom we need to place our trust in as Christians. If left to fester, fear and anxiety can take away our inner peace and calm, leaving us frozen. Unchecked fear allowed to fester may also be a sign of a lack of trust in God. When that happens, it can make it difficult to pray, leave us incapable of making decisions, or allow us to focus on other things. We may even become frozen due to fear and anxiety. These 2 negative emotions can also help in the promotion of a whole host of medical issues, from heart disease, to neurological conditions, to debilitating autoimmune disorders. With all that mayhem, fear & anxiety truly have the capacity to take away our inner peace and render us hopeless and helpless.


Prayer, optimism, and hope are our finest tools to combat fear, and the anxiety that often comes with it. Certainly, at times, we all have these negative feelings, but we need to recognize them as soon as possible, and extinguish negative emotions quickly, or they may overwhelm and rule us. It may seem like a tall order, easier said than done, to face our fears and replace them with trust in God so we can stay on course, and get on with our lives. But we can and must fight fear and anxiety when they surface, disrupting our daily lives.


Fear-less faith enables us to see past the seemingly obvious difficulty, that which may feel overwhelming, even daunting, that which seems impending or inevitable, to see  God’s blessings, in every circumstance.

So the next time that fear presents itself in your life, remember this: “All things work for good for those who love God…” Romans 8:28. And believe it! For scripture also tells us:

“Jesus said to the synagogue official, ‘“Do not be afraid; just have faith.”’

Mark 5:36

Embracing the above scriptures can gently bring us back to living a Christ-centered life, as we choose optimism and hope, and strive to do God’s will. And yes—it is a choice we make each day. When we choose fear over faith, it can diminish our faith in Jesus, and negativity and bitterness may result. However, when we choose fear-less faith, we are far more able to grow spiritually in our relationship with Jesus, and be comforted, strengthened and renewed. When we choose faith, especially in times of adversity, God provides inner peace, comfort and discernment to help us deal with any and every circumstance.


So the question of the day is this: Which one will you choose this day? Fear or fear-less Faith?

For the Holy Bible tells us in Philippians 4:13:

“I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”

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